New input and ideas to update this actionsite please write
These action items and their deadlines are more fully
explained in the compte rendu-minutes.
December 5, 2000
Henk, Angelika, and André and members of the Maatwerk Band hand
delivers the resolution to the European Union at the European Disability
Forum in Brussels.
January 1 - March 31, 2001,
The research committee researches possible sites for a festival. At the
end of this period, the committee will make recommendations for the 2003
festival location to the European affiliates. After review of the recommendations,
a festival organizing committee can be set up.
January 15, 2001
All affiliates send festival theme/name ideas to Joke by e-mail at
January 31, 2001
Joke, Tadeusz, Depy, and Stephanie create an exchange database form on
the Internet.
January 31, 2001
All European affiliates send a preliminary announcement of the proposed
dates and a short description of their 2002 activity to Joke by e-mail
February 1, 2001
All European affiliates begin data entry into the exchange database. Data
entry by affiliates is a continuous and dynamic activity.
March 31 2001
Joke and Faruk create a festival logo that will also be used for the 2002
country specific activities.
April 30, 2001
Stephanie sends members of the festival organizing committee the old Very
Special Arts Festival Planning Guide and the 1994 Very Special Arts International
Festival evaluation.